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الشعيرة ، والألياف الأساسية ، والمركبة ، والملفوفة ، والألياف الدقيقة ... هل يمكنك معرفة الفرق؟ 2023-03-29

1. Filament

In synthetic fiber manufacturing, the spinning fluid (melt or solution) after spinning forming and post-processing, resulting in a length of kilometers of fibers called filaments. Filament includes monofilament, compound filament and curtain filament.

(1) monofilament
The original refers to a continuous single fiber spun by a single hole spinneret, but in practical applications, it often includes the filament with few holes composed of 3 ~ 6 single fibers spun by 3 ~ 6 holes spinneret. The coarse synthetic fiber monofilament (diameter 0.08 ~ 2mm) is called bristles, used to make ropes, brush, daily mesh bags, fishing nets or industrial filter cloth; The finer polyamide monofilament is used to make transparent women's socks or other fine knitwear.

(2) compound silk
A filament consisting of dozens of single fibers. Complex fibers of chemical fibers generally consist of 8 to 100 single fibers. The vast majority of fabrics are made of compound silk. This is because a compound silk composed of multiple single fibers is more compliant than a single silk of the same diameter.

(3) curtain wire
A silk strip composed of more than one hundred to several hundred single fibers used to manufacture tire cord fabric, commonly known as cord wire.

2. Staple fiber

The product of the chemical fiber is cut into a few centimeters to a dozen centimeters in length, this length of fiber is called staple fiber. According to the different cut length, staple fibers can be divided into cotton staple fiber, wool staple fiber, medium length staple fiber.

(1) cotton staple fiber
The length is 25 ~ 38mm, the fiber is fine (the linear density is 1.3 ~ 1.7dtex), similar to cotton fiber, mainly used for blending with cotton fiber, such as cotton type polyester staple fiber and cotton fiber blending, the resulting fabric is called "poly-cotton" fabric.

(2) hair staple fiber
Length of 70 ~ 150mm, coarse fiber (linear density of 3.3 ~ 7.7dtex), similar to wool, mainly used for blending with wool, such as wool type polyester staple fiber and wool blending, the resulting fabric is called "wool polyester" fabric.

(3) medium-length fiber
The length is 51 ~ 76mm, the fiber thickness is between cotton type and wool type (line density is 2.2 ~ 3.3dtex), mainly used for weaving medium and long fiber fabrics.

Staple fibers can be blended with natural fibers as well as other chemical fibers, so the blended fabrics have good comprehensive properties. In addition, short fiber can also be pure spinning. In the production of chemical fibers worldwide, the output of staple fibers is higher than that of filament fibers. According to the characteristics of fiber, some varieties (such as nylon) to produce filament; Some varieties (such as acrylic fiber) mainly produce short fiber; Some varieties, such as polyester, have a similar ratio.

3、Coarse detail silk

Coarse detail silk is short for T&T silk, from its appearance can see the alternating thick and detailed parts, and after the silk strips dyed can see the alternating dark and light color changes. Coarse detail silk is manufactured by non-uniform drawing technology after spinning forming. The difference in the nature of the two parts of silk produced can be controlled in production, and its distribution is irregular and natural.

Coarse detail silk coarse section of low strength, large breaking elongation, strong thermal shrinkage, good dyeing, and easy alkali reduction processing, can make full use of these characteristics to develop unique textile properties. The physical properties of coarse detail silk are related to the diameter ratio of coarse detail and other factors. General coarse detail filament has higher elongation at break and boiling water shrinkage and lower breaking strength and yield. Its strong shrinkage property can make coarse detail fibers mixed with other fibers to form heteroshrinkage mixed fibers. In addition, the coarse section of coarse detail silk is easy to deformation, low strength problems should be paid attention to in the weaving, dyeing and finishing process. The initial coarse detail silk is round silk. With the development of the production technology of coarse detail silk, some special coarse detail silk has appeared successively, such as special-shaped coarse detail silk, mixed fiber coarse detail silk, micro-porous coarse detail silk and fine denier coarse detail silk, etc. They either have special feel and style, or have special absorption, and are mostly used in the development of high-grade fabrics.

4、Textured yarn

Textured yarns include all silk and yarns that have been processed through deformation, such as stretch yarn and bulked yarn.

5、Differential chemical fiber

Differential chemical fiber maintenance loanword, originated from Japan, generally refers to the original chemical fiber based on the physical deformation or chemical modification of the fiber material, it is obviously different from the ordinary chemical fiber in appearance or internal quality. Differential fiber not only improves the performance and style of chemical fiber, but also gives chemical fiber new functions and characteristics, such as high water absorption, electrical conductivity, high shrinkage and dyeing. Because the differential fiber is mainly used to improve the simulation effect, comfort and protection, it is mainly used to develop the wear textiles like wool, linen and silk, and some of it is also used to develop the decorative textiles and industrial textiles.

6、Special-shaped fiber

In the processing of synthetic fiber spinning, the fiber with non-circular cross section or hollow fiber spun by special-shaped spinneret hole is called special-shaped cross section fiber, or special-shaped fiber. At present, there are dozens of types of profiled fiber, polyester fiber, polyamide fiber and polyacrylonitrile fiber sold on the market, about 50% of the profiled fiber.

7、Composite fiber

هناك نوعان أو أكثر من البوليمر لا يختلطان في المقطع العرضي للألياف. تسمى هذه الألياف الكيماوية بالألياف المركبة أو الألياف ثنائية المكونات. نظرًا لأن المكونين أو أكثر الموجودة في الألياف يكملان بعضهما البعض ، فإن أداء الألياف المركبة عادة ما يكون أفضل من أداء الألياف الاصطناعية التقليدية ، ولها استخدامات عديدة.

هناك العديد من أنواع الألياف المركبة ، والتي يمكن تقسيمها إلى فئتين وفقًا لتشكلها ، وهما نوع الطبقة المزدوجة والنوع متعدد الطبقات. يشتمل النوع ذو الطبقة المزدوجة على النوع المتوازي والنوع الأساسي للجلد ، والنوع متعدد الطبقات يشمل النوع متعدد الطبقات المتوازي ، والنوع الشعاعي ، والنوع متعدد النواة ، ونوع الحبوب الخشبية ، والنوع المدمج ، ونوع جزيرة البحر ، والنوع المقسم.

8 、ستوكات

نظرًا لأن سماكة الألياف المفردة لها تأثير كبير على أداء النسيج ، يمكن أيضًا تصنيف الألياف الكيميائية وفقًا لسمك الألياف المفردة (الكثافة الخطية) ، وتنقسم عمومًا إلى ألياف تقليدية وألياف دقيقة وألياف دقيقة ودقيقة جدًا الفيبر.

9 、ألياف مركبة جديدة

ظهرت في اليابان في أواخر الثمانينيات ، أصبحت المواد التركيبية الجديدة شائعة في جميع أنحاء العالم بأنماط وأنسجة خارقة للطبيعة وفريدة من نوعها ، مثل جلد الخوخ ومقابض مسحوق متناهية الصغر. الألياف الاصطناعية الجديدة من البلمرة والغزل والنسيج والصباغة والتشطيب والخياطة وخطوات أخرى تعتمد تعديلًا جديدًا وتكنولوجيا مركبة ، وهي نوع من الألياف الطبيعية والألياف الاصطناعية لا يمكن مقارنتها مع مادة الألياف الجديدة السابقة. وفقًا لشكلها السلعي ، تشتمل الألياف المركبة الجديدة بشكل أساسي على نوع رقيق للغاية ، ونوع الستارة الفائقة والنوع الدقيق للغاية. حسب ملمسها ، يمكن تقسيمها إلى ملمس حريري ، ملمس جلد الخوخ ، ملمس مسحوق ناعم للغاية وملمس صوف جديد.

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-- الحصول على التحديثات مع أحدث المواضيع

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